A Series of Unfortunate Events

I had been looking forward to traveling back home to North Dakota pretty much ever since I last left, and did I ever have big ideas of how the trip was going to go. I was going to photograph whitetail bucks in velvet and was going to focus on doing more landscape shots. But unfortunately all of the smoke from the Canadian wild fires made for a very hazy trip that was nothing but ideal for the type of landscape and wildlife photos I had imagined.

I never really was able to find the whitetail bucks I was hoping for, but that wasn’t from a lack of trying as I went out every morning I was able to get out. Even though my target species wasn’t cooperating I had some fantastic wildlife experiences. They maybe didn’t result in fantastic photos, but they resulted in memories that I will forever cherish and am very thankful for.

“Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus” (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18)


A Photo Adventure In Theodore Roosevelt National Park